So here's to good vibes all weekend. For us that means lots of the below and this and hopefully good news. And you?
Friday, August 1, 2014
Monday, July 28, 2014
We spent the weekend at four different beaches which was pretty amazing and kind of insane that that's even possible. My favorite spot was definitely Half Moon Bay (duh, I'm in love with HMB). We left early and beat all the traffic the whole way, bonus bonus. We caught the light along the way so beautifully I've made it my mission next weekend for Tocco to drop me off at the start of my favorite street in town so I can take all the photos I want, uninterrupted, and not from a vehicle going 50. He'll get a coffee, and then meet back up at the end of the road, perfect. This will make me obscenely happy. Anyway, we got to town super early, had a nice laid back breakfast with the locals at our favorite spot outside and then found a beach we've never visited. Front row parking. We set up and went paddle boarding and it was so, so, so! nice. The sand was golden, the water was perfectly glassy and we nearly had the place to ourselves. There were about a dozen boats anchored in the water to paddle over to and check out the sails, ropes, portholes and general shippiness of. But the best part were the two big fatty harbor seals, white with black spots, like snow leopards, with big black eyes, who were swimming all around us. They kept coming around to check out our bright yellow board, snorting water out of their noses, and spinning up, down, and around us in the water. At one point there was one seal directly in front of me and other at my back sooo close and I did get a little terrified. I'm not used to being out on the water with actual sealife that's not seaweed or minnows. They're so big and at home in the water and it's a little nutty when you're standing on top of the water on a wobbly board. But it was the kind of scary that's fun and thrilling so I spent the rest of my time in the water trying to anticipate where they'd pop up again so I could surf over for a closer look. Next weekend we're going to do it all over again. :)