The California poppies have already decided that they don't like our offer to get out of their containers and into our soil. Sadness! They're my favorite.
After gushing over their Instagram and ownerblogs and artwork for a while I finally made a stop at General Store in mellow, sea salty Outer Sunset- holy moly. That's a beautiful shop, like, I'll take everything, backyard too. (So many links to link to, but it cannot be helped, it's such gorgeous stuff). And revisiting Flora Grubb to get inspired all over again by palm trees and succulents for the garden makeover T and I are tackling (and to plan imaginary super expensive parties!). But the very best part was spending the day with my friend Morgan who is so rad, and whose blog Pandahead is one of my very favorite sources of inspiration, recipes, photography, style, humor and (so much) more. It's also just a damn good read. So check it out. So great to see you lady!! Too bad we are on opposite coasts because I want to hang way more, but hooray for social media. Sunday was a great day too, as T and I went to a (twins!) baby shower for our good friends Laura and Damien. We are totally bummed that they are moving to Portland in a few days but so excited for them and their new adventures. They were among our first friends out here and are now a very good excuse for a road trip to Oregon...
If you're a tumblr fan, maybe you'd like to take a look here. I have begun a new small creative outlet, Indoor Ceremony, gathering all the most beautiful parts of being at home, and creating your own indoor ceremonies.