From the ickiest front lawn to the second ickiest. We have a long way to go in the front. But man, we worked hard last (and this) weekend.
The plan this first spring in the house is gaining control and getting rid of all of the things we don't like, as opposed to adding new plants. So, last weekend we hauled away tons of rocks, a few wild "hay" plants, a few chunks of dead lavender, our weight in weeds, and then Tocco trimmed the dreaded juniper bushes that he says he has to get drunken to shape just right. ;) Eventually, we'll remove all those little stones too. Want 'em?
We ran out to buy a wheelbarrow to transport some of these insanely heavy rocks from the front yard to the back. Not quite sure what to do with them ultimately - considering building a short wall with them and filling the insides with soil and succulents. That could look good? At the very least they're in the backyard, collected, instead of in the front, for now.
We're exhausted. Bye!
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