I've been walking around with a prize lately :)

covering her eyes to sleep...
I haven't really talked about this pregnancy on here yet, I supposed because you want to hit all of these important milestones that mean the baby is safe and sound first. And we have! So here is our daughter in all of her tiny, banana-sized, 10 oz. (this week at least) glory. It has been the most amazing thing in the world to get to have this baby inside and to watch her grow, feel her move, and take a peek in on her through the ultrasound appointments. She is so freaking cute, and so baby-like already. Watching her on the screen, she moves and yawns and hiccups and holds her head in her hands, and covers her eyes and naps. It's adorable and I just want to hold her little head in my hand already.
I took this photo after we saw and heard her heart beat for the very first time. It was beating so strong and fast, like a little hummingbird. My mom was with us, so it was even more special. Such a great moment.
Now that we are at the halfway 20 week point there are a lot of physical changes going on, and not just with my giant belly. Of course, being us, we have home reno to tackle for the baby. Remember this hall closet? We have always saved it and kept it empty to use as a space for a future baby. So, it's time has come. Thanks to generous family we have amassed quite a collection of baby items already. We cleaned and painted the space and put all of the presents she's gotten in there. It's going to be her little closet. One day, I'd like to turn it into a cool clubhouse for her, with books and wallpaper and pillows and her own favorite whatevers and collections... What kid wouldn't want their own private hide-out?
Now that we are at the halfway 20 week point there are a lot of physical changes going on, and not just with my giant belly. Of course, being us, we have home reno to tackle for the baby. Remember this hall closet? We have always saved it and kept it empty to use as a space for a future baby. So, it's time has come. Thanks to generous family we have amassed quite a collection of baby items already. We cleaned and painted the space and put all of the presents she's gotten in there. It's going to be her little closet. One day, I'd like to turn it into a cool clubhouse for her, with books and wallpaper and pillows and her own favorite whatevers and collections... What kid wouldn't want their own private hide-out?
Baby gifts!
And after. We just need a rack to hang those pint-sized outfits on. :)

Go, baby, go!
This is my favorite post ever. Brought tears to my eyes. I love all of the pictures, especially the one of you two holding hands. You guys are going to make incredible parents! Can't wait to see you in action.